What types of nonprofits do you typically work with?

We work with any nonprofit that has their 501c3 status in the United States. We do not work with hospitals or schools. While we typically work with small to medium sized organizations (budgets under $1 million), we have worked with organizations whose budgets are $80 million! We also offer a specific service for organizations who are just starting (contact us for more information if this is you!)

How do you structure your pricing?

My pricing is designed to be flexible based on the services you need. Full service packages range from $1,500 to $5,000. On-demand consulting is available at $150 per hour. For customized services like grant writing or coaching, the cost is determined by the scope of work we define together after an initial consultation to understand your specific needs.

Can you help us with grant writing?

Yes! Lydia Lynn Strategies offers grant writing services on a retainer basis for organizations that have already identified specific grant opportunities. If your organization is new to grant writing or hasn’t yet identified potential grants, we recommend starting with our Grant Research and Readiness package. This will help you lay the groundwork for a successful grant strategy.

Do you offer direct assistance with fundraising events or campaigns?

While we don't provide direct event or campaign planning services, we do offer consulting and coaching to help you develop and execute a successful fundraising strategy. This includes guidance on events, campaigns, and other revenue streams. To learn more, visit our Fundraising Coach page or book On-Demand Consulting Hours through our Resource page.

How do we get started with your services?

To get started, simply click “Contact” and fill out the form. There, you will share some details about your nonprofit and what services you're most interested in. If you're unsure, just select 'Other' and describe the challenge you're seeking support with in the text box. I'll reach out to you within 1-2 business days to discuss how we can help.